Privacy Policy and Cookie Management


The BODET Group takes the protection and respect of the privacy of users of its Website seriously and takes the necessary measures to ensure it.

This Privacy Policy aims to specify how the BODET Group, as Data Controller, uses the Personal Data it collects in the course of its professional activities.

This Policy may evolve depending on the applicable legal and regulatory context or business developments. Accordingly, the BODET Group encourages users to visit the Website on a regular basis to ensure that they remain aware of any changes made and how they may affect them.

The BODET Group undertakes to respect the confidentiality of the personal information it collects in accordance with the terms and conditions described below. In this Privacy Policy, users can find the personal data which is collected, the purposes for which such data is used, the way in which it is collected and the options available to users to object to its collection.


Personal data

Personal Data regarding the user:

Users may be required to provide the BODET Group with various types of Personal Data, which vary according to the purposes of the collection and the associated service.

The BODET Group mainly processes Personal Data which is collected directly from the user or indirectly through third-party sources.

The information marked with an asterisk in the forms is mandatory for the purpose of processing the user's request. If you fail to fill out these details, your request will not be considered.

The BODET Group only ever undertakes to collect Personal Data which is strictly necessary for offering services and responding to the user’s requests.

According to the current regulations, the BODET Group undertakes to implement all the technical and organisational measures to guarantee that the Personal Data of the user has a degree of security which is appropriate and proportionate to the risk.

We collect on the site the following information:

  • Title
  • Surname
  • First name
  • Company or organisation
  • Email
  • Telephone
  • Postcode
  • City
  • Country
  • Cookies


Recipients of the Personal Data of the user:

To achieve the purposes described above, Personal Data is mainly intended for the personnel of the BODET Group who are authorised and competent to process it.

The BODET Group may communicate certain Personal Data to its subcontractors (in particular, for website hosting purposes). In such cases, the BODET Group requires such persons to respect the confidentiality, integrity and security of the Personal Data communicated to them and to use the data only for the purposes of the provision of their service.

In rare cases, the BODET Group may be required to communicate the Personal Data of the user if such data is required by judicial and administrative authorities who justifiably request it on the basis of their need to know.

The BODET Group mainly uses subcontractors that are in the European Union. If any subcontractors are likely to be located outside the European Union, the BODET Group undertakes to implement the necessary guarantees via standard contractual clauses so as to provide the user’s Personal Data with the same level of protection as it has within the European Union.


Rights of the user regarding his/her Personal Data:

In accordance with the regulations applicable to the protection of personal data, the user has:

  • the right of access to (and) rectification, erasure and portability of information concerning them;
  • the right to restrict or object to the processing of their data;
  • the possibility to send instructions regarding the fate of the data concerning him or her (storage, erasure, communication to a third party, etc.) in the event of their death.

Users may exercise their rights by writing to the following email address: or to the following address:

15 rue Armand Mayer - CS 60054
49308 CHOLET Cedex, France

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 12 of the GDPR, the BODET Group undertakes to respond within one month of receipt of the user’s request. In the case of requests of a complex nature, this period may be extended by two months.

The BODET Group may carry out identity checks to guarantee the confidentiality and security of Personal Data. In some cases, a copy of the user’s personal ID may be requested.

In the event of a breach of the regulations governing the protection of personal data, in particular European Regulation no. 2016-679, the user also has the right to lodge an appeal with a national supervisory authority such as the National Commission on Informatics and Liberty (CNIL).


About Cookies

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is an electronic file which is placed on an end device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) and which is read when visiting a website, reading an email or installing or using software or an application, for example. Cookies record information relating to the user’s internet browsing behaviour. They can be used to memorise the language in which a website is displayed, a customer identifier or a study for statistical or advertising purposes, etc.

What cookies are used on the website of the BODET Group?

Cookies issued by the BODET Group are intended to meet the user’s expectations as closely as possible and to support their navigation on the Website.

Cookies do not contain any information that personally identifies the user, and only the sender of a cookie is able to read or modify the information contained therein.

Cookies issued by the Website may be:

  • “Essential cookies” for the operation of the Website: these meet the requirement of CNIL for the exemption from consent: “trackers maintain the choice expressed by the user on the placing of trackers, or the volition of the user not to express a choice”.
  • “Analytical cookies” (or “audience measurement cookies”): these anonymously collect traffic data to establish statistics and traffic volumes (number of visits, pages viewed, etc.) and to understand the use of the elements making up the Website (sections and pages viewed, etc.), allowing the BODET Group to monitor and improve the quality of its services. This website also uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc ("Google"), which helps analyse how users use the Website. Your IP address is also recorded to locate the town or city in which you are connected. The IP address is then anonymised after use by replacing the last character with zeros.
  • “Social cookies”: these enable users to interact with the social plug-ins on the Website (YouTube).


Cookies placed by the Website

Name of cookieName of third party that places the cookiePurposeClassValidity duration
didomi_tokenDidomiThis cookie contains consent information for personalised purposes and personalised partners, as well as information specific to Didomi (the user ID, for example).Essential6 months
euconsent-v2DidomiThis cookie contains the IAB TCF chain of consent as well as consent information for all IAB standards (partners and purposes).Essential6 months
_gaGoogle LLCTo distinguish between usersAnalytics13 months
_ga_#Google LLCTo maintain session statusAnalytics13 months
FPIDGoogle (via Google Tag Manager)The FPID (first-party identifier) cookie is used to replace client-side identifier management cookies (such as _ga). It stores a unique user identifier and is used to track users on a secure and privacy-compliant basis.Essential13 months
FPLCGoogle (via Google Tag Manager)The FPLC cookie (first-party linker cookie) is used for cross-domain tracking. It is generated from the FPID cookie and is accessible via JavaScript, enabling tracking information to be transferred from one domain to another when users navigate between different sites that are part of the same entityEssential1 day
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVEYouTube (Google LLC)To estimate the user bandwidth on pages with embedded YouTube videosSocial6 months
YSCYouTube (Google LLC)To track views of embedded videosSocialSession
VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATAYouTube (Google LLC)To store the user’s consent status for the current domainSocial6 months
_grecaptchaGoogle reCAPTCHATo provide protection against spam by analysing traffic and determining whether the user is a human or a botEssential6 months


How do you manage your choices?

1. On their first visit to one of the websites of the BODET Group, the user is able to accept or reject the placing of Cookies with the use of an information banner which is displayed on their screen.

Users can also choose which Cookies are placed on their end device depending on the purpose using the consent management platform provided for this purpose.

As long as the user’s consent is not given, no Cookies will be placed on their terminal apart from technical and functional Cookies.

Users can change their choices at any time by reusing the consent management platform provided for this purpose.

2. In addition to the consent management platform, users can also make their choices by configuring their web browser.

The user’s attention is drawn to the fact that by configuring his/her browser to reject cookies, specific functionalities, pages and areas of the websites of the BODET Group which require their use will not be accessible; the BODET Group cannot be held responsible for this. 

To find out more about how to configure their web browser, users can visit the website of CNIL at